Hesperian Health Guides

Hesperian Health Guides is a nonprofit health information and health education source that supports individuals and communities in their struggles to realize the right to health. We develop easy to read materials that are produced in many languages. All are available through our bookstore and the new Hesperian Digital Commons. Hesperian Health Guides publishes 20 titles, spanning women’s health, children, disabilities, dentistry, health education, HIV, and environmental health. From this page, you can buy, download, or read health materials in English. View Resources by Language to explore materials in Spanish and other languages. Hesperian works in the formats that people need and want. Our health information is available as books, booklets, e-books, online content, and apps. When we discover a need for online content to be made available in a physical format, we produce printed books or booklets in the languages that people need. Likewise, our physical books are made available in electronic formats so anyone with an internet connection can use Hesperian’s health information.