ALMAHAR Mental Health Aid for Refugees (app)

In der ALMHAR-App erhalten Betroffene auf Farsi, Englisch oder Arabisch Aufklärung über psychische Symptome, wie Angstzustände, Stresssituationen, Schlafprobleme und Aggressionen. Die Projektidee entwickelte sich aus der gestiegenen Nachfrage im Zuge der hohen Anzahl belasteter Geflüchteter aus Kriegsgebieten. Es gibt einen großen Bedarf insbesondere an arabischsprachigen psychoedukativen Angeboten. ALMHAR bietet Übungen, die selbständig bearbeitet oder in die laufende therapeutische Arbeit eingebunden werden können (verfügbar auf: English | العربية / Arabisch | فارسی / Farsi) ALMHAR is designed for refugees who had to flee from their homes and who are may be living in exile. Fleeing your home is an incredibly overwhelming, frightening and life-changing experience. Many refugees who had to leave their homes and countries develop some sort of emotional or physical problems due to their experiences. If this is the case for you, it does not mean you are weak or crazy. Such problems are mostly normal reactions of normal people to abnormal experiences! The app explains the most common emotional problems you might experience as a refugee and offers first support in dealing with them. It offers background information on 12 common problem areas and gives practical and easy to-do tips.